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[Recruitment Information for Japanese]
At Artifacture Systems Inc. we make use of IT to create a bright future by recruiting people with leadership qualities and engineers who are young and energetic and aim to achieve things.

Job listings

Java /. NET development engineers

Job description

Development of Java /. NET business systems and  in-house software products. 

※You will be responsible for development process according to your skills.


Annual income of 3 million yen ~ 6 million yen

Daily wage salary system

Probationary period of 6 months

Work location

Head Office or Anywhere in Tokyo 

Working hours

9:00 to 18:00 hrs (1hr Lunch break, 8 Working Hours)

Holidays and Vacation

Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays

Annual paid leave: the first year (10 days) highest holidays will be (20 days).

Family events, Special Leave.

Job Benefits

Medical checkup

Parental Leave and Long-term Care Leave

Various accomodation of external welfare services, preferential use of leisure facilities etc.


Twice a year (July, December)

Pay revision

Once a year (April)

Various allowances

Overtime Pay

Working Holiday Allowance

Commuting Allowance

Qualification Allowance


General Insurance Included

 ・Health Insurance

 ・Employees' pension

 ・Workers Compensation Insurance

 ・Employment insurance

Minimum Qualification

【Skills and business experience】

 ・Basic work experience based on Windows basics and Linux basic System Development.

 ・Project Leader or Sub Leader Experience is Preffered.


 ・Required programing skill in Java & .Net

【Educational background】

 ・No prerequsite